App uninstall report – 2023 edition



It is a fact of life for every app that users uninstall apps, and for many in droves. Apps often fail to meet increasingly high user expectations, while the prevalence of uninstalls could also indicate something is seriously wrong with an app or how it is marketed.

Marketers must therefore measure uninstalls, and understand the why, when, and who behind them — it’s essential for UA optimization, managing and creating appropriate expectations… and reducing the risk of churn.

Curious to learn more? Take a look inside our 2023 report to find out!

What’s inside

  • Uninstall rates per vertical, country, and install type
  • Cumulative uninstall rate in the first 30 days by vertical
  • Uninstall benchmarks by category, country, platform, and install type for the average app and the top 10% of performers  

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