Fraud protection solution by AppsFlyer

Protect your budget from mobile ad fraud

Our fraud solution, Protect360, sets the standard for mobile ad fraud prevention and detection, ensuring you stay ahead of every threat, before, during, and after install

Industry-leading fraud protection against ever-evolving threats

Fraud protection by AppsFlyer: Multi-layered protection

Be ready for anything with multi-layered protection

Mobile ad fraud comes in many forms, and continues to change. We keep you ahead of every threat, and your marketing budget safe, through a real-time, multi-layered approach that includes cluster analysis, personalized validation rules, in-app fraud rules, and post- attribution fraud detection.

Fraud protection by AppsFlyer: pay for real customers

Pay for real customers, not bots, with advanced sensor analysis

Advanced fraud attacks demand innovative protection. We simultaneously analyze hundreds of mobile sensors to determine authentic customers so you can accurately distinguish between humans and machines, and keep your ad budget focused on real conversions.

Fraud protection by AppsFlyer: Closed source sdk security

Keep your budgets safe with advanced in-app & CPA protection

Attribution fraud goes beyond installs. In-app and CPA are an attractive target for those looking to commit fraudulent attacks since they are another source of revenue, as well as provide a way to legitimize install fraud activity. Protect360’s advanced in-app & CPA fraud protection helps you dive deeper into fraud data to eliminate these sophisticated threats.

Fraud protection by AppsFlyer: Explore new channels and partners

Explore new channels and partners with confidence

The threat of fraud keeps many apps from trying new, potentially high performing, channels. Protect360 is your insurance policy against both current and emerging types of fraud when exploring new types of media, letting you focus on maximizing conversions, while keeping your budget safe.

Don’t just take our word for it

Fetch AppsFlyer Customer OG
In fraud savings
Blocked fraudulent installs
Blocked fraudulent in-app events
“Having the peace of mind Protect360 provides is worth its weight in gold.”
Linkaja AppsFlyer Customer OG
Increase in quality user acquisition
Saved on ad spend
active user growth in one year
“We used Protect360 as our VAR-referee (source of truth) that can be fairly acceptable across all media partners”
Halodoc AppsFlyer Customer OG
Savings in digital marketing budget
Over 25%
Of activity identified as fraudulent and blocked
“We were able to improve budget efficiencies and notably increase the number of our first-time users.”

Key features

Ever-evolving threats require a comprehensive fraud solution. Discover how our always-on fraud detection and prevention suite keeps your marketing budget secure.

Protect360 dashboard

Get a detailed view of fraudulent activity in your account, estimated savings, post-attribution fraud rate, and media partner measurements.

Anomaly insights

Dig deeper and compare partner behavior trends for abnormal behavior patterns to identify fraud

Raw data reports

Get full access to all of the fraud raw data measured by Protect360 to slice, dice, and analyze it for smarter decisions.

Advanced in-app fraud detection

Identify and block fraudulent in-app and CPA events, even after the app install attribution, with unique fraud detection rules.

Post-attribution fraud detection

Block fraudulent installs after the attribution through automatic pattern identification that creates new fraud reasoning.

Media partner transparency

Maintain open, transparent communication with your media partners with easy-to-integrate APIs and postbacks.

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Frequently asked questions

What types of mobile ad fraud does AppsFlyer protect against?

Protect360 protects your campaigns from all common types of mobile ad fraud like install hijacking, click flooding, device farms, and bots. We are also able to identify and block new types of fraud as they materialize thanks to our scale and advanced machine learning capabilities.

How does AppsFlyer handle post attribution fraud detection?

Unlike other fraud solutions, Protect360 retroactively denies fraudulent activity based on patterns found post-install. Once a sufficient number of installs is reached, the given pattern is labeled as fraudulent and any future installs will be treated as fraud.

I use CPA campaigns, so I don’t need fraud protection, right?

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. While CPA was once considered a valid anti-fraud solution, this is no longer the case. Fraudsters are intentionally targeting CPA campaigns because they present additional revenue opportunities, and can even help them create the pretense of  being a “quality” media source. So if you’re running CPA campaigns, Protect360 has you covered.

Does AppsFlyer’s fraud solution offer protection from SDK spoofing?

Yes! While most other attribution providers use open source technology in their SDK infrastructure (leaving their code vulnerable to reverse engineering by hackers) AppsFlyer uses a closed source, encrypted SDK  with comparable infrastructure and maximum security which is virtually impossible to reverse engineer or hack.

Ready to protect your budget from mobile ad fraud?